Much Ado About Nothing (2025)
Henry V (2024)
The Mousetrap (2022)
Woody Guthrie's American Song (2022)
Hamlet (2021)
Little Women: A British Panto (2019)
Riders to the Sea (2019)
Othello (2019)
Twelfth Night (2019)
Carrie: the Musical (2019)
The Beaux' Stratagem (2019)
Stage Door (2017)
Into the Woods (2017)
Photography Credits
The Beaux’ Stratagem (2019) - Bruce Clarke - City Theatre
Carrie: the Musical (2019) - Bruce Clarke - City Theatre
Twelfth Night (2019) - Bruce Clarke - Sacramento Shakespeare Festival
Othello (2019) - Lori Ann DeLappe - Wildflower Women’s Ensemble
Riders to the Sea (2019) - - Happy Hour Theatre
Hamlet (2021) - Lori Ann DeLappe - Sacramento Shakespeare Festival
The Mousetrap (2022) - Emma Eldridge - FreeFall Stage
Henry V (2024) - Luis Escobar - PCPA
Beauty and the Beast (2024) - Luis Escobar - PCPA
Much Ado About Nothing (2025) - Luis Escobar - PCPA